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Trail Condition 

Many trails, many rides, hikes

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The Columbia Gorge is alive and ever changing

Feb 20 2024 Eagle Creek Barrier

The ramp bike lane approaching the Staircase from the East has obstructive landslide. This is a barrier between Cascade Locks to Bonneville or Yeon on the HCRH trail.

Placeholder imageSouth side of exit ramp #41 on I84
Placeholder imageSand, rock and timber completely blocking the trail east of the Eagle Creek Staircase.
Open as of Feb 10 2024 
Late January 2024 Eagle Creek Eastward closure due to ice
Placeholder imageAbove: East of Eagle Creek:  Most cycling trails snowed over

When water is pouring through the layers of earth, creating icicles  portends future new landslides! 


Cycling is dangerous activity for many reasons.

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Understanding the cycling risks can still result that "life on a bike is better."

Understanding that you are a vulnerable road or trail user is often the first step. Being aware of others who have more power and are shielded in vehicles and especially who may be distracted and inattentive to your existence on the road or trail can be life saving.

Keeping Courtesy in mind when approaching others will ease trail conflicts.

Beyond human obstacles, the Gorge brings you face to face with the living earth and its constant refreshing crust!

These Trails are owned by OR Dept of Transportation and are Maintained by Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD). OPRD crews are very responsive to keeping the trails as passable as possible. If you see something of concern, tell a staff member. Thank them for their service. We have witnessed a positive responsiveness about keeping the three HCRH trails open and clear for several decades.

Road hazzards along Historic Columbia River Gorge Trail: Closures, maneuvers, & the ever present rubble

Placeholder imageAny Season: Trail closure
Placeholder imageAny Season: Mother Natures' pruning and tree felling
Placeholder imageAll Seasons: scrabble on road; When you see this rock face, expect some in your path.

Cycling and Pavement Issues

Placeholder imageTree Roots causing pavement disruptions.
Placeholder imageAfter a wind storm with rocks, limbs, downed trees. Debris can be slippery under your tires.
Placeholder imageNot all tree root pavement elevations marked; This can cause your wheel to surprise you by a loss of control.  

The Trail surroundings will tell you what is to come. Look Up. Look Around.

Placeholder imageThis rock slide near Ruckel Creek was not present the day before.   
Placeholder imageEagle Creek Ramp slide, note round boulders from River's action.
Placeholder imageEast of Eagle Creek: slow slide to dramatic landslide.


When traveling in the Gorge, have a full battery supplied phone. Understand that GPS/server access can be spotty and can be altered as signals bounce to towers or across the river. Prepare for silent dehydration by having water; the wind and high 80s can wick away your hydration quickly without you feeling thirsty. Have a light jacket in summer shoulder months. Cue up a map before you begin on your phone, so you can be precise to emergency services as to where you began your bikeride. Carry a snack; the hills may be small but there are many on some short rides and you can tire you despite the short distances.

Understand that the Gorge fire at Eagle Creek in 2017 was triggered by an adolescent male shooting off fireworks. Some 50,000 acres were consumed in some degree. Even though firecrackers are small the fire was fueled by the Gorge winds. This created a crown or canopy fire. The fire hopped (uplifted by winds) from tree tops to tree tops. These type of fires creates a patchwork of damaged trees. The fire drops down to burn below. You -even today- will see places where the fire was so intense in a circle of trees. The inwared facing tree bark is black cinder due to the dropping fire ball but the bark facing outward will be living grey color and without black cindered bark.

The second issue for the intense Gorge fire, is the sterilized forest earth floor. This has delayed the return of flora which hugs water/soil within the sandy earth. Remember that the Gorge was created by floods. Our forest floor is sand scoured from Montana, Idaho, eastern WA & OR. Below and on the trail you can see rounded rocks created from those reptitive rocks and then stuck in sandy deposits on the geomorphology of the basalt walls. And this combiniation yields to landslides which gives up these egg shaped rocks on the trails. Some of these eggs are huge! And will require earth moving size equipment to remove them from the trails. Pictures above will some some round rocks embedded in the Gorge walls.