Winter brings quick cold and ice on the roads, reduced daylight, and revelations of the mountain profiles
Wind is a Friend, One Way
The Bike & Fit
ABCW of fitting: Check Air in the tires; check the Brakes front and back; revolve the Chainin all the gears; & turn theWheels for trueness!
The Seat
Make it Level
Bicycle Seat: if the seat is too low, your knees & back will hurt .
Rules of the Road
Use Hand Signals if slowing/stopping If stopped and re=entering the path, LOOK BEHIND.
If passinga pedestrian or cylclist, Warn them with your voice: "
"Passing on Your Left"
Your phone and GPS connection may not work or be accurate.
There are GPS dead spots & 'bounced' wrong geolocations if you are sending a map of your location in the Columbia River Gorge.
Wear a Properly Fit Helmet
What to Bring
Water: you will become dehydrated in the Gorge sooner than you realize.
Sunscreen: overcast or direct sunshine...the wind in the Gorge wil keep you cool BUT you can still get sun damaged skin.
Light Jacket for the shoulders of the summer season.
Look for Poison Oak
Quick Energy Food bars help people who are new to cycling or are prone to low blood sugar.
Bike tube patch kit and tool kit. Even though you may not have the skills/experience, a friendly cyclist may be able to help you with appropriate patch/tools for your bike.
Emergency 911
Don't be surprised if the answer is from Washington State towns. Let the officer know you are on the Historic Columbia River Highway or Trail and where you started to cycle on the trail.